C) Moving into Action: “Project Execution”

While a chunk of the work happens during the project execution stage, project managers need to focus on improving internal communications and getting real-time updates about how their project is faring. This helps in making modifications along the way and ensures everyone is on the same page during all stages of the project life cycle.

The execution phase involves the following tasks to be completed:

Step 1: Executing the project management plan created in the previous phase.

Step 2: Performing quality management and integrating inputs from status reports and meetings, development updates, and performance reports into the project plan.

Step 3: Setting up tracking systems.

Step 4: Embracing a proactive approach to securing necessary procurements.

Step 5: Addressing stakeholder expectations with consistent, honest communication.

Expert tip: Monitoring and tracking the task status in real-time is of paramount importance in this phase. This is where a task management and tracking tool can come in handy.