
Xebrio goes beyond being a tool designed specifically for agile teams for issue and project tracking.
Compare and check how Xebrio is a great alternative to Jira.
Xebrio vs Jira
Jira is an agile project management software with very specific use cases.
Xebrio’s flexible and diverse set of features allow teams to collaborate and stay on top of their projects.
What makes Xebrio better tool for teams across organizations

Why Xebrio is better than Jira
Xebrio covers multiple project management features under one umbrella. Here’s how Xebrio does things differently than Jira.

Xebrio Features

Requirements Management
Define, finalize, and track requirements in time with project stakeholders for successful project outcome.

Task Management
Track the task progress right from ideation to completion, and organize your team with Xebrio’s task management feature.

Coverage View
Track all the requirements in progress easily and ensure requirement’s quality slips during the course of the project.

Manage all your requirements related and interdependent entities with forward and backward traceability right from requirements to test cases to deployments.

Milestone Tracker
Divide your projects into timely deliverables and milestones to maintain complete transparency with your stakeholders.

Documents Collaboration
Create or upload documents, schedules, roadmaps, OKRs, or guides to collaborate easily with your teams in real-time.

Time Tracking
Track and maintain a report of time your team spends on individual tasks to analyze which tasks require how much time to plan better in advance.

Test Case Management
Execute test cases in builds and link them to the requirements. Plan, manage, and execute your test plans without any hassle.

Release Management
Manage your releases and deliverables within the specified timeline.? Continuously integrate, deploy, and improvise your product release.

Some Things Are Easier With Xebrio
Xebrio’s easy-to-use complete project management ecosystem manages the entire product lifecycle, from requirements management to deployments. Xebrio stands out from the rest of the project management tools by offering traceability in every step of the project; whether tasks, test cases, or bugs, every step can be traced back to its original requirements. Its easy accessibility for teams of all sizes and the easy collaboration features makes it a unique ecosystem.
Select a plan that best suits your team’s needs and get started right away.